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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

Mike's Story

Mike picture

Results may vary.

Mike no longer has his frequent bouts of illness that required antibiotics and is healthier than ever  

Since an early age, like most Americans, the bulk of my diet was comprised of processed foods and animal products.  In elementary school I was chubby and was picked on for being fat.  I was frequently sick. I suffered with asthmatic bronchitis, which would get particularly bad during the winter months.  I always had a stuffy nose, which led to frequent sinus infections for which I took antibiotics. The consistent use of antibiotics lasted well into my thirties.

By the time I graduated high school I was six feet tall and weighed 225 pounds.  During college I became more active with sports and lost a decent amount of weight.  Over the next twenty or so years my weight fluctuated between 165 pounds and 200 pounds, typically hovering around 175 pounds which I considered my ideal weight.

One day at a Vitamix demonstration booth, I asked the demonstrator how I could learn to make green smoothies like the ones she had made. She directed me to Dr. Fuhrman’s website.  Later that same day I had occasion to watch the documentary Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead and Dr. Fuhrman appeared on the screen.  I wondered, where have I been and why haven’t I heard of Dr. Fuhrman before? I immediately went online and ordered Eat For Health.  Within days I read the book and it made a lot of sense to me.  I knew it was real and not just another fad diet.  I decided that becoming Nutritarian was something me and my family had to do because I wanted better health for all of us.

Although I didn’t think I needed to lose weight, I lost 20 pounds in the first two and a half months, with my weight stabilizing at 150 pounds.  The last time I weighed that I was in middle school and was six inches shorter.  The most amazing part for me is that I never felt like I was starving myself.  To the contrary, I marvel at eating generous portions of food and enjoying it more than ever.  Much more important, I am healthier now.  In the over eighteen months since living the Nutritarian lifestyle, I haven’t had a single sick day.  Simply stated, I feel great!

Following the Nutritarian diet style has improved my health dramatically. I am now full of energy.  I enjoy more from life which has empowered me to, in turn, help others.  My wife and children are benefiting with their own weight loss and improved health as well, and this lifestyle is bringing us closer together as a family.  I’ve even helped a friend avoid heart surgery, who is doing incredibly well now. 

By improving my health and the health of others around me, I have developed a greater sense of meaning, purpose, and well-being in my own life. So I advise others, don’t wait until your health suffers before taking better care of yourself.  Our leading causes of death are primarily the result of the foods we eat.  Regardless of your health condition, start taking care of yourself now.

Read, listen to, or watch Dr. Fuhrman at least five minutes a day.  The more you understand, the more conviction you’ll have for making good nutritional decisions and the more likely you’ll succeed.

More Asthma Success Stories



Shawn lost 49 pounds and cured her asthma... Read More

Results may vary.



Melissa's son Madison no longer has asthma flare-ups, before he had to use his inhaler on a daily basis... Read More

Results may vary.



Kimberly lost 60 pounds and no longer suffers with eczema; her mom lost 142 pounds and is free of diabetes and monthly urinary tract infections... Read More

Results may vary.



Helena lost an amazing 111 pounds and is enjoying her increased energy; is eager to share her newfound knowledge about the health benefits of good nutrition... Read More

Results may vary.



Rachel was frequently sick and fatigued; after losing a whopping 110 pounds she feels great... Read More

Results may vary.



Sarah lost an amazing 100 pounds, feels better than ever, and is grateful her husband Jason   introduced her to Eat to Live... Read More

Results may vary.



After retiring and moving across the country, Loretta and her husband embraced the Nutritarian diet. She lost 45 pounds in just under 7 months, and has seen many of her cravings disappear.... Read More

Results may vary.



Jeff felt like he was dying from GERD and ailments doctors couldn't cure, he lost 43 pounds and is free of health problems... Read More

Results may vary.



Ana lost 30 pounds using the Weight Loss Detox and Challenge, and is working to create a life she loves.... Read More

Results may vary.



Heather lost 29 pounds and has greatly improved her rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune conditions. Her labs, her mood and her energy levels are all looking up!... Read More

Results may vary.



Stuart no longer is suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis pain and chronic lung disease... Read More

Results may vary.



Bonnie is free of the painful cystic acne she suffered since her teenage years causing depression and a loss of self-esteem
... Read More

Results may vary.



Robin feels better than she has for years now that she is free of autoimmune disease symptoms ... Read More

Results may vary.



Deb's two young daughters are free of eczema, allergies and asthma... Read More

Results may vary.


As a result of weighing 300 pounds Bonnie lost her job; after reading Eat To Live she lost 150 pounds and walks 4 to 7 miles a day... Read More

Results may vary.


Harold no longer needs cholesterol medication and has more energy than ever... Read More

Results may vary.

Atlanta Family

The Atlanta Family are all reaping significant health benefits following the Nutritarian plan... Read More

Results may vary.

Yvonne is so happy she no longer suffers fro severe food allergies and lost 13 pounds... Read More

Results may vary.


Julie no longer suffers from severe osteoarthritis, asthma or GERD... Read More

Results may vary.


Cheryl not only stopped her asthma medication and inhaler, her overall health is better than ever ... Read More

Results may vary.

The End of Dieting Lose 10 in 20