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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

Molly's Story

Reading Eat to Live, Molly lost 18 pounds , learned to love her body  and found it mind healing  as well  

 When I read Eat to Live, I was just trying to find another way to lose weight. I had tried health coaches, counting calories, etc., and even at my thinnest I still struggled with body image issues and other health issues. When I read the book, my perspective shifted from wanting to achieve a certain aesthetic to loving my body so much that I wanted to give it the absolute best foods. I also didn't know that it was going to open doors to general health and wellness.

Not only did I start healing my body through eating nutrient rich foods but I also started healing my mind and working on my self -worth and body image issues. It opened doors to learning more about how I can do my part to give back to our planet, to be more loving to other living things, etc. I didn't realize how life changing this book would be and how it would take me on such a beautiful spiritual journey. I've been eating nutritarian for about six years and have loved every minute.


Results may vary.

More Anxiety Success Stories



Debilitating migraines/headaches, loss of sleep and allergies caused Heather to take meds for anxiety; now she lost 76 pounds, headaches are gone and she feels great... Read More

Results may vary.



Delaney was finally able to lose 168 pounds after spending time at Dr. Fuhrman's Eat  to Live Retreat where she learned how to eat healfully and conquer her food addiction... Read More

Results may vary.



After suffering numerous health problems, David lost a whopping 155 pounds, reversed diabetes and feels he has a new lease on life... Read More

Results may vary.



Fearing for his life, Daniel lost an amazing 152 pounds and his whole life has drastically changed for the better... Read More

Results may vary.



At the young age of 15, Manuel realized he did not want to keep eating unhealthfully; now he lost a whopping 140 pounds and is looking forward to a healthy long life... Read More

Results may vary.

Susann Marie

Susann Marie

Susann lost 120 pounds and reversed type 2 diabetes

... Read More

Results may vary.



Anxiety, depression, pain, plagued Darci all her life, coupled with adult weight gain, she was miserable, now 90 pounds lighter, pain free, her life is filled with joy... Read More

Results may vary.



Cancer, obesity and other life-threatening medical issues plagued Scott until he fasted and adopted the Nutritarian diet plan; now he lost 85 pounds and his medical problems are gone.... Read More

Results may vary.



After having a heart attack, Terry bought Dr. Fuhrman's  book The End of Heart Disease, followed his recipes, lost 90 pounds and is back to hiking and skiing... Read More

Results may vary.



Scott lst 90 pounds and reversed severe coronary artery disease, retinal occlusion and stage 4 melanoma... Read More

Results may vary.



Janelle lost 72 pounds and is full of energy... Read More

Results may vary.



Bettina didn't want to go down the same ill- fated path her parents lived; instead changed her lifestyle and lost 66 pounds... Read More

Results may vary.



After following the Nutritarian diet for 7 months, Karen lost 6o pounds and her BMI decreased by 10 points. Even better, her LDL cholesterol dropped from 136 mg/dl to 61 mg/d – a result that left her primary care doctor astounded.... Read More

Results may vary.



Robert lost 60 pounds and helped his mother to stop taking medications ... Read More

Results may vary.



Ryan lost 60 pounds in six months and improved his overall health... Read More

Results may vary.



Wendy lost 45 pounds and cleared her ‘brain fog’... Read More

Results may vary.



After being diagnosed with MS, April wisely chose to heal herself with nutrition rather than submit to injections to suppress her immune system, now she is free of symptoms... Read More

Results may vary.



Brandi was amazed at how good the recipes were during Dr. Fuhrman’s  Weight Loss Detox and Weight Loss Challenge; she lost 40 pounds and cut her diabetic medication in half. ... Read More

Results may vary.



After suffering a host of ailments including migraines, panic attacks, stomach problems, Gilda lost 33 pounds and is on the road to resolving all of her health difficulties... Read More

Results may vary.



A combination of personal loss and serious health issues – a car accident, cancer, dangerously high blood pressure – left Laura overweight and searching for answers. The Weight Loss Challenge helped her lose weight and get off almost all of her meds. ... Read More

Results may vary.



After years of being a food addict and yo-yo dieting Marlise.joined the Detox and Weight Loss Challenge, lost 33 pounds, and learned new healthy habits... Read More

Results may vary.



After decades of being overweight Susan lost 30 pounds and is free of depression and anxiety... Read More

Results may vary.



Heather lost 29 pounds and has greatly improved her rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune conditions. Her labs, her mood and her energy levels are all looking up!... Read More

Results may vary.



Debbie had multiple ailments including loss of energy, swollen ankles, fast heart beats; now she is energetic, her anxiety is better an she is on the road to achieving her weight loss goal... Read More

Results may vary.



Carrie is free of debilitating headaches, seasonal allergies, and chronic anxiety... Read More

Results may vary.

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