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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

Robert's Story

Robert picture

Results may vary.

Robert lost 60 pounds and helped his mother to stop taking medications  

I have spent a lifetime studying all things pertaining to health and how to cure things naturally. Every time something went wrong with me, I would study the cause, and then change my behavior, and it would go away. As I aged, my annual weight loss stopped happening. Every year for 40 years I would gain 25 pounds in the winter, and lose 25 pounds in the spring and summer. I thought I was fully entrenched in nutritional science, or so I thought, and then I met Dr Fuhrman. Reading Eat to Live, Eat for Health, as well as watching his PBS specials, and YouTube events opened up a whole new way of thinking for me; it was everything I learned before, and so much more.

Finally, I was able to lose weight again. It was learning additional knowledge and unbiased truths from Dr. Fuhrman that tilted the scale. I dropped 60 pounds over the course of a year. I hit a plateau, and have been moving up and down within a 10 -pound range. I have come to the realization that I need to include regular exercise to the program. I'm looking forward to getting the next 20 or 30 off and getting into my ideal BMI for my height.

 I moved home to take care of my mother who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Two different doctors used to treat her. She had several things wrong with her and was on a lot of medications. I introduced her to healthy eating, and she lost weight. I also gradually weaned her off of all of the medicine after discovering what the cause was for her ailments. I gave her a natural diet, and the doctor agreed she no longer needed the medicines.

I was advised she should no longer live in our home. But I love my mom with all of my heart so I kept her at home and took care of her. She began to heal. Her weight became in the ideal range, she no longer needed the blood pressure medicine. The real thriller was 6 months later I brought her back to the doctors’ office and there she sat, in a clear mind, calmly, lovingly having a rational conversation with the doctor. She placed her head on my shoulder and told them how proud she was of her son. One of the doctors took a complete blood sample, and when we returned two weeks later the doctor was amazed. She started reading off the results, all perfect.  She said to me in astonishment, having experienced my mom’s Alzheimer's condition first hand, "what did you do?" I told her I weaned her off of all of the meds after discovering the cause of her ailments, and fed her a whole- food plant-based diet.

Then I took her to the other doctor and the same thing happened. Both the doctor and the nurse were amazed, and after having interviewed her, they turned to me and said, "what did you do?" Mom did have Alzheimer's because she eventually reached that stage at the age of 95 where she forgot how to swallow.

I love to share Dr Fuhrman's knowledge. It is beautiful to hear someone who tells the truth.  I will forever love what this man has done to change my life. I will be 70, and I am up fixing the roof. It reminds me of the example Dr. Fuhrman spoke about the man who was told he needed cardiac surgery, but instead followed the nutritarian program and now is up on the roof at the age of 90. Things of quality get better with age; all we have to do is follow what nature provides for us, and we will live a healthy long life.


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Mary Jo

Mary Jo

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Kenneth lost an amazing 155 pounds and reversed diabetes after his doctor recommended Eat To Live;  is now running maratahons... Read More

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Results may vary.



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Results may vary.



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