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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

Amber's Story

Amber picture

Results may vary.

Over years following Eat To Live, Amber has had many health benefits including no more migraines, insomnia or acne and lost 35 pregnancy weight gain  

I have followed Eat To Live for more than a decade, except for a brief time when, having two babies thirteen months apart, I slipped back into bad habits. When I first started Eat To Live in 2003 (pre-pregnancies), it cured me of chronic migraines, PMS, acne, insomnia, and mood swings. I had been taking a barbiturate every day for almost ten years, and Eat To Live helped break my dependency.

Unfortunately, I gained a lot of weight with my first two pregnancies in 2004 and 2005 because I was not sticking with the program. Also, after giving birth, I could not lose my pregnancy weight. However, as soon as I recommitted to Eat To Live I dropped 35 pounds, and found the energy to exercise again. My husband lost 40 pounds and got off asthma medications. Eat To Live has taught me how to make deliberate and informed decisions about my health. I follow Dr. Fuhrman's 90/10 rule, and eat almost exclusively from the earth. I have three daughters now and I feed them the Nutritarian diet as well.

More Headaches and Migraines Success Stories



Shannon lost 56 pounds, along with it went her weekly migraine headaches... Read More

Results may vary.



Lacey is free of the severe migraines she had for years and lost 40 pounds... Read More

Results may vary.



Carrie is free of debilitating headaches, seasonal allergies, and chronic anxiety... Read More

Results may vary.



The cluster headaches and neck pain Katharine began suffering in her teens are gone... Read More

Results may vary.



By following her daughter's advice to follow Eat To Live, Carla's chronic headaches disappeared  just as her daughter's did... Read More

Results may vary.


Debbie lost a life-changing 123 pounds and is free of severe migraines... Read More

Results may vary.


Jean's previous frequent migraines are now rare occurrences and she no longer suffers from stomach issues... Read More

Results may vary.



Anthony lost 160 pounds, runs marathons and is proud to be a positive role model for his sons... Read More

Results may vary.



Fearing he would die young Manuel lost an amazing 150 pounds and his teenage son lost 40 pounds; it has been a life changing journey for his family... Read More

Results may vary.



At the young age of 15, Manuel realized he did not want to keep eating unhealthfully; now he lost a whopping 140 pounds and is looking forward to a healthy long life... Read More

Results may vary.



Rachel was frequently sick and fatigued; after losing a whopping 110 pounds she feels great... Read More

Results may vary.

Cassie and Dave

Cassie and Dave

Cassie and Dave were couch potatoes before they lost a total 156 pounds, now they walk, run, or hike at least 20 miles a week... Read More

Results may vary.



Janet lost 102 pounds, has stopped taking steroids for multiple sclerosis and feels better than she has for the last two decades... Read More

Results may vary.



Marcie found the answer to her prayers in Eat To Live and lost 90 pounds... Read More

Results may vary.



Julie stopped having dangerously high blood pressure after losing 88 pounds... Read More

Results may vary.



Debilitating migraines/headaches, loss of sleep and allergies caused Heather to take meds for anxiety; now she lost 76 pounds, headaches are gone and she feels great... Read More

Results may vary.



Julie has the energy to play with her children now that she lost 75 pounds and her migraines and polycystic ovary syndrome are gone... Read More

Results may vary.



Socked to hear she had diabetes, susuan immediately followed the guidelines in The End of Diabetes and in 3 months reversed her "nightmare" diagnosis... Read More

Results may vary.



Ryan lost 60 pounds in six months and improved his overall health... Read More

Results may vary.



Janice's chronic, disabling neck pain is gone and for the first time in years she hasn't had a cold or bronchitis during the fall/winter... Read More

Results may vary.



Finally free of painful fibromyalgia Julia's life is so much happier; she lost 35 pounds and loves shopping for size 4 clothes... Read More

Results may vary.



After suffering a host of ailments including migraines, panic attacks, stomach problems, Gilda lost 33 pounds and is on the road to resolving all of her health difficulties... Read More

Results may vary.



Ten years ago, Mary weighed  235 pounds, now after fully committed to the nutritarian diet and engaging in the weight loss challenge she weighs 125 pounds... Read More

Results may vary.

Mary Jo

Mary Jo

Mary Jo lost over 100 pounds,  has normal blood pressure, is off her previous drugs, says her knees feel great, and loves her nutritarian foods  over her previous addictive foods... Read More

Results may vary.



Susan lost 108 pounds and reversed type 2 diabetes... Read More

Results may vary.

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The End of Dieting