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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

Susanne's Story

Susanne picture

Results may vary.

Susanne lost 24 pounds, said goodbye to binge eating and improved her knee pain thanks to the Weight Loss Detox and Challenge. Now she and her husband enjoy Nutritarian food (especially  Chocolate Nice Cream) and greatly improved health.  

“Thank you so much Dr Fuhrman, Lisa , Randi and Jenna and all the staff involved in creating the Weight Loss Detox program. I cannot put into words the profound difference this program has made on my health and well being. I had been stuck with no success at improving my health and loosing the extra pounds I needed to lose.

From weight watchers to what I believed to be a vegetarian healthy lifestyle nothing was working. I had been stuck for a long time, having no success at improving my health and losing the extra pounds I needed to lose. But nothing was working.

I was unfortunate to get COVID for the first time right before I started the Weight Loss Detox in January 2023. I was hesitant to start, because I was so ill that I required a course of paxlovid. But I got the best advice ever from Dr Fuhrman at the beginning of the program: He said greens and more greens, and to do the program. And I did!

Was it easy in the beginning? No! At first, I was overwhelmed learning the new recipes, shopping for all the foods and making soups. I felt deprived and missed martinis and sugar. But the lectures and education truly bolstered my development of healthy habits, improved mindset and ability to create the meals. Special thanks to Jenna, Randi and Lisa!

I immersed myself in the education. My husband followed, and we were entertained and enlightened. The first time we tried the chocolate cherry nice cream, we felt like we could enjoy the program. My husband actually eats it every night to this day.

We believed Dr Fuhrman and the crew when they told us go 100%, and allow your palate to heal. I was overjoyed that in the evenings I was choosing to go to sleep instead of eating chips and salsa or chocolate to stay awake to "get things done.”

This was a really the game changer. Nutrient-dense foods all day results in super sleep patterns and eliminated my desire to binge eat at night. The most striking change has been the improvement in my knee pain. In January I needed to take steps one at a time with heavy use of the handrail. Now I take the steps without the handrail, and without knee pain. My husband is a runner – he cut over a minute off his 1/2 marathon time from last year.

This lifestyle works and I cannot thank Dr Fuhrman enough for his powerful message to us all."

More Autoimmune Disease Success Stories


Suffering the debilitating effects of lupus and multiple autoimmune diseases made Lynsey's life miserable; now with her 65 pound weight loss her life has a new vibrancy... Read More

Results may vary.



Janet lost 102 pounds, has stopped taking steroids for multiple sclerosis and feels better than she has for the last two decades... Read More

Results may vary.



Linda lost 72 pounds; is off all medications and has more energy then ever despite having multiple sclerosis... Read More

Results may vary.



Joyce is free of daily rheumatism flare-ups... Read More

Results may vary.



Theresa's Rheumatoid Arthritis has almost disappeared along with her 52 pound weight loss... Read More

Results may vary.



Todd's arthritis pain is much better without having to take the toxic drug his doctor had prescribed and he lost 58 pounds... Read More

Results may vary.



 Sharon lost 42 pounds; her lupus numbers are in normal range and she has more engergy than ever... Read More

Results may vary.



Karen suffered severe side effects from her Rheumatoid Arthritis medications; now she is free of RA symptoms and meds... Read More

Results may vary.



Jane lost 30 pounds, is free of psoriasis and stopped taking blood pressure medication... Read More

Results may vary.



After years of suffering Jodi now controls her painful psoriasis and other autoimmune diseases... Read More

Results may vary.



Laurie is free of  multiple sclerosis flare-ups... Read More

Results may vary.


Sheryl is now pain free after years of suffering from multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis symptoms... Read More

Results may vary.


Free from  multiple sclerosis symptoms, Mark continuely recommends Dr. Fuhrman to others... Read More

Results may vary.



Robert lost an incredible 200 pounds and with it went his diabetes, high cholesterol, and arthritis, allowing him to stop taking toxic arthritis medications... Read More

Results may vary.



Michelle lost 118 pounds said goodbye to her rheumatoid arthritis... Read More

Results may vary.



Sarah lost an amazing 100 pounds, feels better than ever, and is grateful her husband Jason   introduced her to Eat to Live... Read More

Results may vary.



Lyle lost 96 pounds and says following the Nutritarian diet changed his life ... Read More

Results may vary.



Lee was fighting a losing battle with her weight, arthritis and psoriasis; now she lost 90 pounds, her pain is gone and she can run up steps... Read More

Results may vary.



Kate lost 64 pounds, no longer is housebound from pernicious anemia and loves her new energy... Read More

Results may vary.



Sharon beat breast cancer twice and lost 60 pounds... Read More

Results may vary.



Elsie tried many diets, but always gained back the weight; now lost 58 pounds after joining the Weight Loss Detox and Optional Weight Loss Challenge in May 2021 and  the Combat Disease Boot Camp in June 2021. ... Read More

Results may vary.



Allison lost 50 pounds, and significantly improved her rheumatoid arthritis symptoms... Read More

Results may vary.



Kathleen lost 48 pounds she had gained after being diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease and eliminated most of her medications... Read More

Results may vary.



William was sick of being sick; following the Eat to Live plan he is getting off all medications, is so happy with his new good health and feels like a new man... Read More

Results may vary.



After retiring and moving across the country, Loretta and her husband embraced the Nutritarian diet. She lost 45 pounds in just under 7 months, and has seen many of her cravings disappear.... Read More

Results may vary.

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The End of Dieting