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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

Michael's Story

After yeras of being a yo-yo dieter Michael signed up for the  detox and weight loss challenge. and overall lost a total of 123 pounds


My journey has been a long rollercoaster ride with lots of “loops.” I read Dr. Fuhrman’s Eat to Live many years ago. I connected to his Nutritarian lifestyle intellectually, but emotionally and mentally I was not there yet. I spent a few years going on and off the Nutritarian lifestyle. I was never 100 percent compliant, so I gave up each time, and gained back any weight I had lost.

On New Year's Eve 2016, I committed again to trying the Nutritarian lifestyle. At 6 ft. 5 inches, I weighed 365 pounds. Over the next few months, I lost over 60 pounds, but once again, I gave up and went back to the SAD diet.

I yo-yoed back and forth until May 2021, when I signed up for the detox and weight loss challenge. I knew to be successful, I needed to finally address all aspects of my life – especially my emotional and mental health around food.

I started the detox at 329 pounds. I focused on being 100 percent compliant and learning to give myself grace when overeating. The webinars and Facebook group were amazing and so supportive. The first couple of weeks were tough, but I got through them. I worked hard on being mindful and learning about what causes overeating. At the end of the challenge, I weighed 242 pounds (currently 237), down 87 pounds from the beginning of the challenge and 123 pounds down from New Year’s Eve 2016. I am never going back to the SAD diet.

Results may vary.

More Overweight and Obesity Success Stories



Robert lost an incredible 200 pounds and with it went his diabetes, high cholesterol, and arthritis, allowing him to stop taking toxic arthritis medications... Read More

Results may vary.



 Richard lost an amazing 150 pounds, feels healthier and has more energy than he had in
his twenties
 ... Read More

Results may vary.



Suffering obesity and dire heart problems, Martin's doctor told him he would be dead in10 years and recommended The End of Dieting; he lost 120 pounds and saved his life... Read More

Results may vary.



Debbie lost a whopping 117 pounds after attending a Whole Foods Immersion Program and has amazing energy and stamina... Read More

Results may vary.



Donald is a new person after losing a staggering 117 pounds... Read More

Results may vary.



Rachel was frequently sick and fatigued; after losing a whopping 110 pounds she feels great... Read More

Results may vary.

Cassie and Dave

Cassie and Dave

Cassie and Dave were couch potatoes before they lost a total 156 pounds, now they walk, run, or hike at least 20 miles a week... Read More

Results may vary.



Theresa is thrilled with her 102 pound weight loss and says living a healthy lifestyle is the best anti-cancer strategy... Read More

Results may vary.



Janice lost 70 pounds and is off all her medications for high blood pressure... Read More

Results may vary.



Terry is grateful for changing from the SAD diet to now losing 63 pounds and no longer fears being diabetic.... Read More

Results may vary.



Susan's life was a "nightmare" before she lost 215 life-threatening pounds... Read More

Results may vary.



 After many frustrating years trying to lose weight, Felicia lost a life-altering 206 pounds... Read More

Results may vary.



Gerald lost 161 pounds after 57 years of fighting obesity... Read More

Results may vary.



Anthony lost 160 pounds, runs marathons and is proud to be a positive role model for his sons... Read More

Results may vary.



Emily lost 105 pounds, beat her food addiction and feels great... Read More

Results may vary.



Julie lost 94 pounds in nine months and is enjoying excellent health along and renewed energy... Read More

Results may vary.



Nancy lost 81 pounds, her aches and pains are a thing of the past and she has her social life back again... Read More

Results may vary.



Anthony lost 75 pounds and shed his high school nickname Pudgy... Read More

Results may vary.



Stephanie always struggled with her weight, now she has maintained her 63 pound weight loss for 3 years
 ... Read More

Results may vary.



Ellen lost 55 pounds in 4 months and went from a size 16 to a size 2... Read More

Results may vary.

Mary Jo

Mary Jo

Mary Jo lost over 100 pounds,  has normal blood pressure, is off her previous drugs, says her knees feel great, and loves her nutritarian foods  over her previous addictive foods... Read More

Results may vary.



Delaney was finally able to lose 168 pounds after spending time at Dr. Fuhrman's Eat  to Live Retreat where she learned how to eat healfully and conquer her food addiction... Read More

Results may vary.



An Amusement Park ‘Walk of Shame,’ led to Chris's Transformation... Read More

Results may vary.



An ecstatic Marina lost a whopping 160 pounds and reversed her type 2 diabetes... Read More

Results may vary.



After suffering numerous health problems, David lost a whopping 155 pounds, reversed diabetes and feels he has a new lease on life... Read More

Results may vary.

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Lose 10 in 20 The End of Dieting