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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

Ronnie's Story

Ronnie picture

Results may vary.

Ronnie lost 140 pounds, beat his life-threatening addictions, and is free of chest pain  

I am living proof of what  nutritional excellence can do. Since starting Eat To Live I lost 140 pounds, no longer have angina, am off all blood pressure and cholesterol medicine.

My health problems began in September 2005.  A nagging pain in my chest ended up in my having quadruple bypass surgery.  Feeling fixed, I went back to my old routines, smoking two to four packs a day, heavy drinking, being a couch potato and eating fried foods galore in massive quantities. Ocassionally, I would try diet plans (Atkins, Ornish etc.) only to have my health further deteriorate to the point all the doctors I saw would just shake their heads or end up firing me as a patient. I began to think I would soon be leaving this earth, and became so depressed that it became very hard to be around me. I was getting ready to check out.

In July 2008, after a day of heavy drinking and binge eating, a glorious life saving event took place. I woke up with chest pains that I knew would come, but I was mad at myself for destroying my life with all my addictions. I went to the hospital, and over the next few days the Lord let me see how much my life affected those around me.  I decided I wanted to live.  The doctors put three stents into one artery and performed balloon surgery on another, and sent me home with a packet full of prescriptions.

I was very depressed because, although I wanted to live again, I was faced with the realization of what I had done to myself.  For the first time in my life I saw that it wasn't life killing my body, it was me and all the poor choices I was making. I wanted to change, but how? I knew it all centered around what went in my mouth. That was what was killing me and gotten me into the fix I was in. That night I woke up with chest pains again, and after taking nitro to stop it, I searched the internet to find some answers to what I should do next.

Wow! I never would have guessed the journey I had before me! I googled  "reverse heart disease" and came across and immediately knew I had found the answer to all my health problems and addictions. I started my way back to health right then by devouring every page of information on the site.  I became a member of his Member Center and started reading the member forums and newsletters. I downloaded and read Cholesterol For Life,  ordered vitamins and supplements. I read Eat To Live and my very being came alive again with hope. Finally, someone had all the science and could translate it to me and others into a life changing way. It all made perfect sense. If I ate my way to the destruction of my health, why couldn't I eat my way to restoration and reversal.

Armed with a wealth of information and support, I began my journey to good health. I stepped on the scale which would only go to 300 pounds, and I was more than that. Instead of being depressed, I was motivated to get my weight under the limit of the scale so I could start tracking my weight loss along with my other Eat To Live goals which were: reverse my coronary heart disease, reverse high blood pressure, stop the unstable angina, lower my cholesterol, stop drinking and smoking.

Today, along with my weight loss, and not having angina, my exercise tolerance is up to where I can exercise without having PVC's. I quit drinking and smoking, am not short winded anymore, blood sugar is back to normal. My recent lipid panel was cholesterol 101, LDL 51,  HDL 34, Triglicerides  91. It has not been a bed of roses, and there been some highs and lows. But all I can say is that my worse day now following Eat To Live is better than my best day then.

I had to get a new driver's license because store clerks asking for ID did not believe it was me. People are amazed at the energy I have and how focused I've become on my health and the health of others. Now my entire family is following Eat To Live. My son lost 25 pounds and  went from a 50 waist to a 46 waist in three weeks. My younger brother lost 23 pounds and his wife lost 47 pounds.

We  have a treasure in Dr. Fuhrman. To have a doctor of his caliber at our fingertips via Ask the Doctor Member Center is simply incredible, and is, by far, the most important asset in my battle against heart disease. Eat To Live works, The web site works, Ask The Doctor works. To our dear friend Dr. Fuhrman a big thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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Mary Jo

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Lose 10 in 20 The End of Dieting