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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

Tom's Story

Tom picture

Results may vary.

Following traditional diabetic protocol Tom was on medication and insulin for 15 years; following The End of Diabetics protocol he was non-diabetic in 3 months; "What a waste" he says  

One afternoon in 2000 I felt terrible and checked into a hospital emergency room.  The doctors thought I had a heart attack and put me in intensive care.  My EKG readings were unremarkable.   I had a catheterization procedure to assess the blockage in my arteries.   It showed that I had 5 percent blockage in several areas. However, the doctors were still certain I had a heart event because one of my many blood tests indicated a lot of internal muscle tissue damage.  A nurse in the intensive care ward mentioned that I should make an appointment with my doctor as my blood sugars were running 250 - 450 on hospital cuisine. 

Over the next 15 years I ended up being treated by six different doctors to specifically monitor my diabetes. My treatment for several years involved taking diabetes medicine which gave me pretty good blood sugar control.  I took insulin from approximately 2006 to 2015.

In the summer continuing into early fall of 2014 I had reoccurring orthopedic problems with my back and couldn’t play racquetball or even work out much; too much pain to the point that I couldn’t walk 100 yards without having to stop and bend over to loosen up my back to relieve the pain.  My weight was about 174 pounds. I am 5ft. 11.5 in.  It was time to do something different.

I decided to learn more about diabetes, I researched nutrition, exercise, clinical trials, and found Dr. Fuhrman’s book The End of Diabetes and read it three times in two weeks early in January 2015.  The book clearly laid out a fact based, proven protocol for reversing diabetes in most cases and outlined an optimum way to eat for maximum health.  I followed the book's protocol and became nondiabetic in three months.

By April 15th 2015 I no longer took any insulin or other diabetes medications and my current weight is 139 pounds.  I’m walking 3-5 miles a day and doing weight lifting three days a week.  My orthopedic back pain issues have considerably improved.

I recently had an annual physical with my general practitioner. She kept marveling at the improvement in my current blood tests compared to the prior two years.  She said that she didn’t have a single other patient that had turned their health around so quickly. I no longer take statins or hypertensive medications.

I think about the last 15 years of medications, insulin shots, and doctor’s visits I have lived through. What a waste!  If any medical professional had hinted at the fact that I could have become a nondiabetic back in 2000, there is a good chance I would have taken on the challenge, and adopted a healthy diet and exercise.  I could have become a nondiabetic back then.

Those 15 plus years as a type 2 diabetic conservatively cost me and my insurance carriers the equivalent in today’s dollars of over $110,000 in directly related diabetes medical expenses.  No wonder medical costs keep increasing nationwide year after year.   And all I would have had to do is stop an unhealthy way of eating, and organize my life to get regular moderate exercise. 

What a big sacrifice I would have been making by becoming a nondiabetic in 2000!   Just think about how much I would have been giving up. I wouldn’t have been able to drink thousands of soft drinks; I’d have missed thousands of fast food meals, and thousands of servings of pies, cakes, cookies, and ice cream.  Roughly it means that I would have avoided 18,000 lancet finger pricks to draw a drop of blood for glucose testing and 15,000 injections of insulin.  And for 15 years I wouldn’t have had to pay for diabetes related out-of-pocket co-pays on doctor visits, medications, diabetes supplies, transport to and from appointments, parking costs, tolls, etc. (probably $1,000 to $2,000 per year for 15 years).

What also bothers me is that there are about 25 million type 2 diabetics and maybe over 90 million pre-diabetics in the USA.  And 70 percent of average pre-diabetics will become type 2 diabetics within 10-15 years if the current trend continue.  We will soon have more than 100 million type 2 diabetics in the USA.  My personal experience tells me that the vast majority of type 2 diabetics (60 percent to 90 percent) can become nondiabetic by using proven healthy lifestyle behavioral changes, a nutrient rich diet, and moderate regular exercise.

More Type 2 Diabetes Success Stories



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Results may vary.



Calogero lost 100 pounds in seven months and is free of diabetes... Read More

Results may vary.



Don and his wife won their battle with diabetes and their combined weight loss totals 109 pounds... Read More

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Mike lost 60 pounds, no longer needs daily insulin injections or any medication for diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure... Read More

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Results may vary.


Jane's diabetes was making her so miserable she considered ending her life; now she lost 50 pounds, is off her medications, and feels her life has been saved... Read More

Results may vary.


By losing 40 pounds and reversing his diabetes, Kenneth's doctor says he has added years to his life... Read More

Results may vary.



An ecstatic Marina lost a whopping 160 pounds and reversed her type 2 diabetes... Read More

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After suffering numerous health problems, David lost a whopping 155 pounds, reversed diabetes and feels he has a new lease on life... Read More

Results may vary.



Kenneth lost an amazing 155 pounds and reversed diabetes after his doctor recommended Eat To Live;  is now running maratahons... Read More

Results may vary.



Kimberly lost 60 pounds and no longer suffers with eczema; her mom lost 142 pounds and is free of diabetes and monthly urinary tract infections... Read More

Results may vary.



After suffering a stroke and heart problems, Charlotte lost 133 pounds, regained her health... Read More

Results may vary.

Susann Marie

Susann Marie

Susann lost 120 pounds and reversed type 2 diabetes

... Read More

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Sandra confesses to once being a food addict; now she lost an amazing 107 pounds and fits into size 7 skinny jeans
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Emily lost 105 pounds, beat her food addiction and feels great... Read More

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Lyle lost 96 pounds and says following the Nutritarian diet changed his life ... Read More

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Kim's depression and health problems were making her suicidal; after losing 95 pounds, she is once again happy with life... Read More

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Ginny's 93 pound weight loss has her on the way to "curing" her diabetes"... Read More

Results may vary.



Richard lost 90 pounds and realized the health benefits of focusing on food for medicine... Read More

Results may vary.



At 72 years old, Tom decided to make lifestyle changes. He followed the Nutritarian diet, joined  the  Detox Weight Loss Challenge, lost over 100 pounds; got off insulin and soon will be off all meds... Read More

Results may vary.



Brandon is no longer pre-diabetic, lost a total of 50 pounds and can't believe how good he feels... Read More

Results may vary.



Terry is grateful for changing from the SAD diet to now losing 63 pounds and no longer fears being diabetic.... Read More

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... Read More

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In just 3 months John lost 52 pounds and lowered his blood sugar... Read More

Results may vary.



Bill feels younger after losing lost 50 pounds, lowering his blood pressure and sleeping better... Read More

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Lose 10 in 20 The End of Heart Disease