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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

RWCrumbler's Story

Before Robert changed his diet he thought death was at his door; he lost 75 pounds and credits Eat To Live with saving his life  

In 2000 I had a triple bypass for the three of my worst blockages which was the worst medical experience I've ever had. Then a colonoscopy discovered bowel cancer.  I had surgery for that and recovered nicely. I eventually ended up on taking the following medications: Isosorbide, Metropolo, Crestor, Warfarin, Furosemide, potassium and aspirin.  My heart was beating so slow I couldn't expel the fluids from my body and I couldn't walk fifty feet without stopping to catch my breath. My waist increased to a tight forty six and my shirt collar to eighteen and a half. My maximum weight was about 268 pounds. I was a blob of gelatinous protoplasm. I reasoned that I was getting old and this is what happens to old people. Soon, whenever I went out, I made sure I had my insurance information and ID with me so that if I went down on the street the paramedics would know who they had and the ER would know that I had insurance.

I eventually started watching Dr. Fuhrman on PBS TV.  His program made so much sense. I quit taking my prescription meds because I was convinced they were killing me and my cardiologist was simply documenting my demise. I went off them slowly, and began taking vitamins. How I wished I had found Dr. Fuhrman sooner. I started by eating cooked vegetables and then eased into the six week plan. It was easy for me. I started to lose weight.  A funny thing happened.  My cardiologist wouldn't listen when I told him what I was doing.  Sometimes I cheated, but went right back onto the plan the next meal. I had to buy new clothes. I had to have a suit cut down. I had to buy new shirts. I loved it. People noticed. I talked about it in church.

I now see a different cardiologist.  I explained that I had stopped taking the prescription meds and how I changed my eating.  He is totally supportive. I am now able to walk as much as I want. I ride my bicycle, peddling constantly for thirty minutes in the evening; I can quickly walk up two flights of stairs and not be winded.  My weight loss stopped at about 193 pounds, so I'm down about 75 pounds.  I see obese people in the gym and know that this is not the way to go.  The owner of the gym has complimented me on the weight loss, and my keeping it off. I gave him one of Dr. Fuhrman's cards and told him how I did it.  Dr Fuhrman has it right.  Eat To Live saved my life! 

Results may vary.

More Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Success Stories



Paul reversed severe heart disease without surgery despite doctors telling him surgery was his only option... Read More

Results may vary.



Susan's life was a "nightmare" before she lost 215 life-threatening pounds... Read More

Results may vary.



After suffering a stroke and heart problems, Charlotte lost 133 pounds, regained her health... Read More

Results may vary.



Kim's depression and health problems were making her suicidal; after losing 95 pounds, she is once again happy with life... Read More

Results may vary.



Richard lost 90 pounds and realized the health benefits of focusing on food for medicine... Read More

Results may vary.



Julie stopped having dangerously high blood pressure after losing 88 pounds... Read More

Results may vary.



Julie lost 60 pounds, lowered her cholesterol, and avoided going on medication... Read More

Results may vary.



Scott lost 60 pounds and is enjoying numerous health benefits including reversing his diabetes and lowering his blood pressure... Read More

Results may vary.



Although his doctor diagnosed his medical issues signs of aging, Chris lost 34 pounds and his health problems disappeared... Read More

Results may vary.


After suffering three heart attacks and other detrimental health events, Cy lost 90 pounds, is no longer diabetic and feels his heart problems are better... Read More

Results may vary.


Jack lost 40 pounds and lowered his high cholesterol and triglyceride levels... Read More

Results may vary.


Forty pounds lighter in just two months Jeff no longer suffers from atrial fibrillation or uncontrolled high blood pressure... Read More

Results may vary.


After suffering two heart attacks Jim lost 40 pounds, is free of pain, and is off all but one medication... Read More

Results may vary.


Fred lost 35 pounds, was able to stop taking medication for atrial fibrillation and cholesterol... Read More

Results may vary.


Jeff lost 35 pounds and is thankful to have his health back again; he no longer suffers from irritable bowel syndrome and lowered his cholesterol... Read More

Results may vary.


For years Tom tried to lower his cholesterol, only by following the Nutritarian diet style was he successful... Read More

Results may vary.


Peg stopped taking blood pressure medication after only two weeks on the program... Read More

Results may vary.


Jerry was eager to get off the statin drugs which made him feel terrible; following Eat To Live his  wish came true... Read More

Results may vary.


Steffi lost 18 pounds and with it went her constant cravings for sugar and her high cholesterol... Read More

Results may vary.


A genetic disordor caused Gloria's very high cholesterol; after stopping her meds and changing her diet for just 3 months her cholesterol is significantly lower... Read More

Results may vary.


Averill lowered his cholesterol; learned older age doesn't mean more medication and is determined not to follow his family's history of bad health... Read More

Results may vary.


Anne no longer has to take the blood pressure medication which was causing her to feel depressed and suffer sleeplessness... Read More

Results may vary.


Jean so quickly lowered her cholesterol that her doctor now recommends Eat To Live to patients... Read More

Results may vary.



Robert lost an incredible 200 pounds and with it went his diabetes, high cholesterol, and arthritis, allowing him to stop taking toxic arthritis medications... Read More

Results may vary.



Gerald lost 161 pounds after 57 years of fighting obesity... Read More

Results may vary.

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Lose 10 in 20 The End of Heart Disease