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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

Fred's Story

Fred lost 35 pounds, was able to stop taking medication for atrial fibrillation and cholesterol  

Inspired by Dr. Fuhrman's Nutritarian program, I start each morning with berries and unsweetened almond milk. I have a blended salad at noon with legumes and onion, and a delicious dinner rich in veggies, plant based sauces and mushrooms. Nothing from an animal and no added fat. I started the program at 205 pounds and am now hovering at 170. I feel great, am thinking much clearer and am off all meds for treatment of atrial fibrillation and cholesterol. I totally believe in this lifestyle change.

Results may vary.

More Atrial Fibrillation Success Stories


Forty pounds lighter in just two months Jeff no longer suffers from atrial fibrillation or uncontrolled high blood pressure... Read More

Results may vary.



Suffering obesity and dire heart problems, Martin's doctor told him he would be dead in10 years and recommended The End of Dieting; he lost 120 pounds and saved his life... Read More

Results may vary.



Lyle lost 96 pounds and says following the Nutritarian diet changed his life ... Read More

Results may vary.



After being morbidily obese and diabetic, Bill is no longer diabetic, lost 95 pounds and is on his way to his goal weight... Read More

Results may vary.



After having a heart attack, Terry bought Dr. Fuhrman's  book The End of Heart Disease, followed his recipes, lost 90 pounds and is back to hiking and skiing... Read More

Results may vary.



Terry is grateful for changing from the SAD diet to now losing 63 pounds and no longer fears being diabetic.... Read More

Results may vary.



William was sick of being sick; following the Eat to Live plan he is getting off all medications, is so happy with his new good health and feels like a new man... Read More

Results may vary.

Tracey and Tom

Tracey and Tom

Tacey no longer has  “chronic” pericarditis, her eyesight is greatly improved and her husband Tom is off three of his previous heart medications... Read More

Results may vary.


As a result of weighing 300 pounds Bonnie lost her job; after reading Eat To Live she lost 150 pounds and walks 4 to 7 miles a day... Read More

Results may vary.


After suffering a heart attack Terry read The End of Heart Disease, lost 85 pounds and no longer needs blood pressure mediction... Read More

Results may vary.


When diagnosed with MS, Michael looked to different protocols for help. Now being a Nutritarian he says he feels himself “self-healing already."... Read More

Results may vary.


After a high blood pressure scare  that sent Richard to the ER, he immediately changed to a Nutritarian diet and within a short time his blood pressure is normal... Read More

Results may vary.

The End of Heart Disease Lose 10 in 20