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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

Chris's Story

Chris picture

Results may vary.

Although his doctor diagnosed his medical issues signs of aging, Chris lost 34 pounds and his health problems disappeared  

I’m a single dad of a teen and knew my health was declining.  I am a typical, successful middle-aged male; however, I was deeply worried. My weight was steadily increasing and I was suffering from night sweats, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, plantar fasciitis, and serious tightness in my chest. My doctor told me that my declining health was “the result of aging” and I’d have to be on meds for the rest of my life. I wasn’t ready for that and had a gut feeling that it wasn’t true.

Then, one night, I plopped down on the couch, turned on the TV, and saw Dr. Fuhrman on PBS. His presentation, 3 Steps to Incredible Health hit me just at the right moment.  I watched the whole program, bought Eat To Live, and read the entire book the next day. I immediately committed 100 percent to Nutritarian eating, cold turkey; complete with cleaning out the entire kitchen.

The best part about my change is that I’m no longer worried about leaving my daughter without a dad.  My high blood pressure, high cholesterol, night sweats, plantar fasciitis, and chest pains are all gone, I am not taking drugs, plus, I feel much more confident about the way I look.

More Angina Success Stories


Jerry was eager to get off the statin drugs which made him feel terrible; following Eat To Live his  wish came true... Read More

Results may vary.



Fearing he would die young Manuel lost an amazing 150 pounds and his teenage son lost 40 pounds; it has been a life changing journey for his family... Read More

Results may vary.



Ronnie lost 140 pounds, beat his life-threatening addictions, and is free of chest pain... Read More

Results may vary.



Theresa is thrilled with her 102 pound weight loss and says living a healthy lifestyle is the best anti-cancer strategy... Read More

Results may vary.



After having a heart attack, Terry bought Dr. Fuhrman's  book The End of Heart Disease, followed his recipes, lost 90 pounds and is back to hiking and skiing... Read More

Results may vary.



Joseph had 4 heart attacks and had stents in 5 arteries: following the vegan Nutritarian diet he no longer takes heart medication and has not had another heart attack for almost 4 years... Read More

Results may vary.


Being obese sapped Billy's energy and he feared for his life; now he lost 88 pounds and feels better than ever... Read More

Results may vary.


After suffering three heart attacks and other detrimental health events, Cy lost 90 pounds, is no longer diabetic and feels his heart problems are better... Read More

Results may vary.


After suffering a heart attack, Rob was able get off all his heart medications and believes he wouldn't be alive today if he wasn't following the Nutritarian diet plan... Read More

Results may vary.


Early menopause and infertility caused  Erica's depression and chest pains, now both ailments have subsided and she feels great... Read More

Results may vary.

The End of Heart Disease Lose 10 in 20