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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

Joseph's Story

Joseph thought he was going to die when his blood sugar reached reached a whopping 540; now following the Nutritarian diet after just 3 months his blood sugar is normal  

I was routinely checking my blood sugar the day after a great night of family gluttony of mixed drinks, wine, pasta, chicken parm, trying over five desserts. and all the other good homemade Italian food. We visited my daughter at her Newport RI college and thank god we were also visiting with my RN sister-in-law. She just so happened to say in the morning, let’s all check our sugars, Mine was a whopping embarrassing 540! I had to check again 498!  I was scared! She exclaimed are you ok? I said yes, I feel fine, no problems. She was ready to send me to the ER, but because I was going home to my MD friend ‘s house and had zero symptoms, I prevailed. I drove with my wife back to NJ.

 That was my turning point! I thought I was going to silently but tragically die. My friend John had been telling me about Dr. Fuhrman’s program for over a year as I always wanted to lose some weight but never acted upon it. He even sent me the links to his sites etc.  but it took this long and this horrible sugar level to realize I needed to make a change and listen to John.

After intensive strict following the Nutritarian diet, my sugar went down to 108-112 in 3 months...blood sugar was back to normal; my HgA1c was 12.9 now is 5.9.  Amazing in 3-4 months it lowered that much. And I lost 55 pounds. My pants now have lowered three sizes smaller and my Metformin doses have changed from 1000 mg two times a day to 500 mg two times a day, no other medications are needed.  My wife joked and said soon she will be fitting in my pants. I totally owe all my success to following the Nutritarian diet. I am a chiropractor and I tell all my patients about the program and show them the cookbooks and rave that they can do it too. I lead by example!

 I am walking and exercising approximately one hour per day and set an example for everyone I can help. Thank you, Dr. Fuhrman, I am alive because of you. I had gained my weight from being inactive and I needed two hip replacements from a quad ATV riding accident with my kids in Mexico with 2 torn labrums. After 4 years of limping and suffering I got the new bionic hips, lost some weight, and now I have new bionic blood! I am lowering and shedding more weight weekly. My goal is to lose 50 more pounds and fit into 34 waist pants. I started at 290 pounds; now down to 240 and my 38 size pants are getting loose.


Results may vary.

More Type 2 Diabetes Success Stories



 Karl says losing 130 pounds saved his life; with it went his diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol... Read More

Results may vary.



Calogero lost 100 pounds in seven months and is free of diabetes... Read More

Results may vary.



Don and his wife won their battle with diabetes and their combined weight loss totals 109 pounds... Read More

Results may vary.



Mike lost 60 pounds, no longer needs daily insulin injections or any medication for diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure... Read More

Results may vary.


Michael reversed his diabetes despite his doctor telling him that it wasn't possible and diabetes was something he had to live with.... Read More

Results may vary.


Jane's diabetes was making her so miserable she considered ending her life; now she lost 50 pounds, is off her medications, and feels her life has been saved... Read More

Results may vary.


By losing 40 pounds and reversing his diabetes, Kenneth's doctor says he has added years to his life... Read More

Results may vary.



An ecstatic Marina lost a whopping 160 pounds and reversed her type 2 diabetes... Read More

Results may vary.



After suffering numerous health problems, David lost a whopping 155 pounds, reversed diabetes and feels he has a new lease on life... Read More

Results may vary.



Kenneth lost an amazing 155 pounds and reversed diabetes after his doctor recommended Eat To Live;  is now running maratahons... Read More

Results may vary.



Kimberly lost 60 pounds and no longer suffers with eczema; her mom lost 142 pounds and is free of diabetes and monthly urinary tract infections... Read More

Results may vary.



After suffering a stroke and heart problems, Charlotte lost 133 pounds, regained her health... Read More

Results may vary.

Susann Marie

Susann Marie

Susann lost 120 pounds and reversed type 2 diabetes

... Read More

Results may vary.



Sandra confesses to once being a food addict; now she lost an amazing 107 pounds and fits into size 7 skinny jeans
... Read More

Results may vary.



Emily lost 105 pounds, beat her food addiction and feels great... Read More

Results may vary.



Lyle lost 96 pounds and says following the Nutritarian diet changed his life ... Read More

Results may vary.



Kim's depression and health problems were making her suicidal; after losing 95 pounds, she is once again happy with life... Read More

Results may vary.



Ginny's 93 pound weight loss has her on the way to "curing" her diabetes"... Read More

Results may vary.



Richard lost 90 pounds and realized the health benefits of focusing on food for medicine... Read More

Results may vary.



At 72 years old, Tom decided to make lifestyle changes. He followed the Nutritarian diet, joined  the  Detox Weight Loss Challenge, lost over 100 pounds; got off insulin and soon will be off all meds... Read More

Results may vary.



Brandon is no longer pre-diabetic, lost a total of 50 pounds and can't believe how good he feels... Read More

Results may vary.



Terry is grateful for changing from the SAD diet to now losing 63 pounds and no longer fears being diabetic.... Read More

Results may vary.



... Read More

Results may vary.



In just 3 months John lost 52 pounds and lowered his blood sugar... Read More

Results may vary.



Bill feels younger after losing lost 50 pounds, lowering his blood pressure and sleeping better... Read More

Results may vary.

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Lose 10 in 20 The End of Dieting