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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

Louis (Lou)'s Story

Louis (Lou) picture

Results may vary.

Despite being a runner, Lou suffered high cholesterol, and other medicall issues; now he is in excellent health and passes his nutritional guidance to his patients  

I am a 52-year-old athlete and former collegiate distance runner. As a podiatrist I treat many different foot and ankle problems in my practice. One of the big groups we see are diabetic patients. This is for preventive routine care as well as surgical intervention for ulcer care and sometimes amputations. I witness many complications from diabetes including below the knee amputation, kidney failure, blindness, death from diabetes complications. These are always sad, but the saddest thing is that they are preventable. Also, simply being overweight (high BMI) can lead to many foot and ankle problems, subcutaneous due to nutritional deficits and ignorance.

 I gravitated to ‘nutritional health’ around 2004 when, even with my athletic background, I started suffering from obesity and high cholesterol. I always knew my cholesterol was high (since age 17), but never had considered medication.   In 2004 when I was 37 years old, I considered a vegetarian diet which did help the cholesterol, but then I gravitated back to bad habits and weight gain.

In Nov 2016 I had a cholesterol test and was floored by how high the results of the AIC, cholesterol, and liver enzymes were; this is still with running 35-45 miles a week and being 5’-9.5” tall and weighing only 147 pounds.  So, really, I had not controlled my cholesterol and blood pressure probably since teen years up until 46-48 years old.  Clearly, I needed a new and best approach to eating and lifestyle.

I had started reading Eat to live in 2015. Did many of the recipes and the supplements, but also continued alcohol, cheese, some meats. But then in j2016 I realized I was not controlling my cholesterol like I should, and could. I also started to listen to many Dr. Fuhrman lectures, and passed them on to medical colleagues. I knew I had to change and I just started to realize that after all my training and research, Dr. Fuhrman made the most sense.

  At this time, it is powerful to think how influential the Nutritarian lifestyle has been for me. In 3 months on the diet my-A1c went down from 5.4 to 4.9; -total cholesterol went from 227 to 159, LDL dropped (68).  It’s been -2 years now, and I am running more, increasing mileage, recovery seems faster, also doing weightlifting. Even with an increase in nuts seeds and avocados, my NMR and small particle cholesterol went down. My-BMI was already 21.5, but the Nutritarian lifestyle solved my cholesterol and blood pressure problems.

I have been able to be an example to my patients, and to pass on this great information to help many people.  Even as the podiatrist and surgeon, my internal medicine colleagues are impressed with what I have been able to do with our patients and their medical issues!

My patients hold me accountable to be the example of a doctor who understands and demands that nutrition be the forefront to their treatment plan, their lifestyle. “If my doctor does it, it must be important” is how many of my patients see it now, after two years.

I have also incorporated fasting and this has been great.  I believe being in the catabolic stage of the digestive cycle for longer periods of time than I had been doing has been important. I feel better and it makes cravings and time between eating very tolerable.

So, I am a doctor who believes in the Nutritarian lifestyle and also, I am a patient who would be quite lost without it.  It took a little bit of time for me to accept it, but once it clicked, and then once I started it, I knew there was no turning back!


More Cholesterol Success Stories



Julie lost 60 pounds, lowered her cholesterol, and avoided going on medication... Read More

Results may vary.


Jeff lost 35 pounds and is thankful to have his health back again; he no longer suffers from irritable bowel syndrome and lowered his cholesterol... Read More

Results may vary.


For years Tom tried to lower his cholesterol, only by following the Nutritarian diet style was he successful... Read More

Results may vary.


Steffi lost 18 pounds and with it went her constant cravings for sugar and her high cholesterol... Read More

Results may vary.


A genetic disordor caused Gloria's very high cholesterol; after stopping her meds and changing her diet for just 3 months her cholesterol is significantly lower... Read More

Results may vary.


Averill lowered his cholesterol; learned older age doesn't mean more medication and is determined not to follow his family's history of bad health... Read More

Results may vary.


Jean so quickly lowered her cholesterol that her doctor now recommends Eat To Live to patients... Read More

Results may vary.



Robert lost an incredible 200 pounds and with it went his diabetes, high cholesterol, and arthritis, allowing him to stop taking toxic arthritis medications... Read More

Results may vary.



Gerald lost 161 pounds after 57 years of fighting obesity... Read More

Results may vary.



Fearing he would die young Manuel lost an amazing 150 pounds and his teenage son lost 40 pounds; it has been a life changing journey for his family... Read More

Results may vary.



Kimberly lost 60 pounds and no longer suffers with eczema; her mom lost 142 pounds and is free of diabetes and monthly urinary tract infections... Read More

Results may vary.



Ronnie lost 140 pounds, beat his life-threatening addictions, and is free of chest pain... Read More

Results may vary.



After suffering a stroke and heart problems, Charlotte lost 133 pounds, regained her health... Read More

Results may vary.



 Karl says losing 130 pounds saved his life; with it went his diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol... Read More

Results may vary.



Debbie lost a whopping 117 pounds after attending a Whole Foods Immersion Program and has amazing energy and stamina... Read More

Results may vary.



After years of trying to lose weight Angela lost an amazing 109 pounds... Read More

Results may vary.



Emily lost 105 pounds, beat her food addiction and feels great... Read More

Results may vary.



Theresa is thrilled with her 102 pound weight loss and says living a healthy lifestyle is the best anti-cancer strategy... Read More

Results may vary.



At 47 years old, Joe was obese, had health problems, lacked energy; in just nine months, he lost 97 pounds shocking his doctor with his new good health... Read More

Results may vary.



Lyle lost 96 pounds and says following the Nutritarian diet changed his life ... Read More

Results may vary.



Jane lost 95 pounds and her husband lost 90 pounds, both are thrilled with all the positive changes in their health and lives... Read More

Results may vary.



Julie lost 94 pounds in nine months and is enjoying excellent health along and renewed energy... Read More

Results may vary.



Ginny's 93 pound weight loss has her on the way to "curing" her diabetes"... Read More

Results may vary.



Dorothy is back to work after overcoming her food addiction and losing 90 pounds... Read More

Results may vary.



Richard lost 90 pounds and realized the health benefits of focusing on food for medicine... Read More

Results may vary.

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The End of Heart Disease