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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

Elizabeth's Story

 Elizabeth was happily shocked when her lifelong crippling menstrual symptoms disappeared  

Ever since I had my very first period at the age of 14 the pain, and accompanying symptoms, were so agonizing that it was borderline traumatic. The pain was so unbearable even prescription pain medication did not help. In addition to the pain, I had shivers, sweating, vomiting, fainting, you name it. I missed several days of school and work as a consequence. 

After the first month on Eat To Live I still had discomfort, but I noticed all I needed was a few OTC pill for the pain. After four months, I was shocked when my period arrived and I didn't even know it had come. For me, this was revolutionary! 

When I had my annual checkup with my gynecologist a few months later, she asked me how my severe dysmenorrhea was and then asked if she should refill my pain prescription.  "Actually," I told her "I don't have menstrual symptoms anymore."

When she asked how that was possible, I told her that I had stopped eating all animal products, and instead ate more fruits, vegetables, and healthy foods. To my shock she laughed and brushed me off and told me that "becoming a vegetarian is not a cure for menstrual cramps." It is too bad that doctors are so undereducated when it comes to nutrition and its effects on the human body. 

I want to thank you, Dr Fuhrman, for literally changing my life and making it better.

Results may vary.

More Menstrual Health Success Stories



Mieke lost 40 pounds and believes her healthy diet helped her recover quickly from a serious car accident... Read More

Results may vary.



Delaney was finally able to lose 168 pounds after spending time at Dr. Fuhrman's Eat  to Live Retreat where she learned how to eat healfully and conquer her food addiction... Read More

Results may vary.



Helena lost an amazing 111 pounds and is enjoying her increased energy; is eager to share her newfound knowledge about the health benefits of good nutrition... Read More

Results may vary.



Debilitating migraines/headaches, loss of sleep and allergies caused Heather to take meds for anxiety; now she lost 76 pounds, headaches are gone and she feels great... Read More

Results may vary.



Upon seeing the beneficial effects of the Nutritarian diet on her dad's health, 24-year-old Marjorie set on the same path, lost 60 pounds; it is now her forever lifestyle... Read More

Results may vary.



Cindy lost 54 pounds; wishes her deceased obese grandmother had the opportunity to follow the Nutritarian diet style... Read More

Results may vary.



Over years following Eat To Live, Amber has had many health benefits including no more migraines, insomnia or acne and lost 35 pregnancy weight gain... Read More

Results may vary.



Anita is no longer depressed or suffering severe stomach pains and allergies... Read More

Results may vary.



Liz's  healthy diet freed her from hot flashes and mood swings and she lost 17 pounds... Read More

Results may vary.


As a result of weighing 300 pounds Bonnie lost her job; after reading Eat To Live she lost 150 pounds and walks 4 to 7 miles a day... Read More

Results may vary.


 Shannon lost 60 pounds and loves her energy and good mood... Read More

Results may vary.


Debbie lost 50 pounds and wiith it went her PMS, constipation and migraines... Read More

Results may vary.


Knowing the importance of the Nutritarian diet to combat heart disease, Cardiologist Dr. Chaparala utilized her coronavirus stay-at-home time to teach family and friends about the diet... Read More

Results may vary.


Dioxi lost 40 pounds and formed a salad club to help others learn the importance of nutrient density... Read More

Results may vary.


Growing up Maria's family made her feel sickness was inevitable with old age; now following the Nutritarian diet she is confident of a healthy and long life... Read More

Results may vary.


Diagnosed with colon cancer, Marietta turned to the Nutritarian diet style and  Dr. Fuhrman's FAR program and successfully overcame her sugar addiction... Read More

Results may vary.