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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

William's Story

William picture

Results may vary.

William was a commuter guest at Dr Fuhrman's San Diego Retreat, learned the amazing way good nutrition helps avoid disease and he lost 33 pounds  

I was overweight and had health concerns regardindg hypertension, high triglycerides and some hip pain, all of which brought home the fact that I needed additional nutritional education to take better care of my body. Dr. Fuhrman's education, through his many books, online programs, and having been a commuter guest at his San Diego Retreat has resulted in achieving my primary goal of achieving better health through better nutrition.  I lost 33 pounds and now know how to eat better and why it is so important to provide my body with the proper nutritional fuel it needs to avoid the numerous diseases that cut short the lives of so many of our family and friends. I stopped taking one blood pressure medication and decreased another because my blood pressure came down as a result of making good nutritional changes.

More Psoriasis Success Stories



Todd's arthritis pain is much better without having to take the toxic drug his doctor had prescribed and he lost 58 pounds... Read More

Results may vary.



Jane lost 30 pounds, is free of psoriasis and stopped taking blood pressure medication... Read More

Results may vary.



After years of suffering Jodi now controls her painful psoriasis and other autoimmune diseases... Read More

Results may vary.



Lee was fighting a losing battle with her weight, arthritis and psoriasis; now she lost 90 pounds, her pain is gone and she can run up steps... Read More

Results may vary.



William was sick of being sick; following the Eat to Live plan he is getting off all medications, is so happy with his new good health and feels like a new man... Read More

Results may vary.



Following traditional diabetic protocol Tom was on medication and insulin for 15 years; following The End of Diabetics protocol he was non-diabetic in 3 months; "What a waste" he says... Read More

Results may vary.


After suffering three heart attacks and other detrimental health events, Cy lost 90 pounds, is no longer diabetic and feels his heart problems are better... Read More

Results may vary.


Douglas felt doomed after a diagnosis of severe atherosclerosis; he became a Diamond Member, followed the diet and is now looking forward to a long healthy life... Read More

Results may vary.


Although Michelle was eating "natural" foods she couldn't lose the weight she wanted, following the Nutritarian diet helped lose 24 pounds... Read More

Results may vary.


Mike lost 20 pounds, is off his psoriatic arthritis medication and says the benefits of a healthy diet keep coming... Read More

Results may vary.

The End of Dieting