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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

John's Story

Tools John Used:

Nutritarian Recipes

Although John did not have any medical issues, he was so intrigued by Dr. Fuhrman's PBS presentation, he followed the Nutritarian diet and feels better than ever  

I was flipping through television channels and landed on PBS where Dr. Fuhrman was presenting his Nutritarian concepts. Usually, when I encounter these types of shows, as soon as I detect the very first contradiction, I quickly move on. But this time, it was different.  I listened to Dr. Fuhrman, and listened, and listened and detected no contradictions. Everything Dr. Fuhrman said was perfectly sensible. I liked all of what he said, remembered most of it, and sought to watch his show again to be certain that I missed nothing. I changed my schedule to do just that, whenever I could find it replaying on PBS.

His style of delivery struck me as one of unusual sincerity. The way he would include in his presentation actual medical terms and go out of his way to explain them made him stand out above all the other nutritional lecturers that would often appear on televised shows. Dr. Fuhrman's nutritional ideas are unusually in line with good logic and sound thinking.

 I already ate healthfully and was not unhealthy or overweight (I’m in my early fifties). I found myself nonetheless wanting to incorporate Nutritarian concepts into my diet. My primary modification was to focus on the inclusion of G-BOMBS and the minimization of most processed foods and animal products. And though my diet today does not strictly follow the Nutritarian Food Pyramid because my consumption of whole grain is greater than the strict Nutritarian recommendation, and because I also allow such items as fish, yogurt, and the occasional serving of clams, I nonetheless consider myself  following  a Nutritarian-based diet because I agree wholeheartedly with the nutrient-density idea, health = nutrients/calories.

Since I modified my diet to be a predominantly plant-based diet that ensures the consumption of nutrient-dense foods such as G-BOMBS, along with other especially important vegetables, fruits, nuts, spices, etc., I feel better, look better (my skin improved!), think better, be happier, fall ill less often and with less severity, and age better.

 I noticed that before the modification, there was in fact a slight food addiction going on--which is now no longer there to haunt me. Everything that Dr. Fuhrman had said has been confirmed. The food that I eat now is so nutritionally substantial that I can go for as much as eight hours before beginning to feel hungry. Dr. Fuhrman is right!

My primary objective has been to make the diet as sustainable as possible, with respect to interest, convenience, and expense. Even though I eat a serving of beans six days a week (three servings of which are contained in beautiful, large salads), I always aim for interesting combinations, such as those of whole grains, vegetables, and spices. The large number of different grains, beans, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, spices, and fish that can be combined in the name of interest and sustainability is quite satisfying. And these interesting combinations are excellent vehicles that can always carry well those other important foods of particularly high nutrient density, such as G-BOMBS.

Thank you, Dr. Fuhrman. Your research and nutritional ideas have resulted in something quite remarkable. And if it weren't for PBS, they would not be known to the public. Thank you, PBS.

Results may vary.

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