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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

Greg's Story

Greg picture

Results may vary.

Seventeen year old Greg knows the importance of the Nutritarian program to maintain good health  

Although I have been obsessed about exercise and nutrition since I was 12 years old, I took my health to a new level about a year ago by following Nutritarian eating habits.  I am an avid runner, and I frequently had lower leg injuries before transforming my diet.  I thought I ate healthy because I avoided junk food and tried to follow a Paleolithic (high protein, low carb) diet.  Every few days I succumbed to my carbohydrate craving by eating several bowls of pasta and feeling bloated.  I thought I was eating healthy in general, but I knew I didn't feel healthy.

Dr. Fuhrman's diet made the most sense to me.  I dramatically increased my intake of vegetables, fruits, and beans, and I cut out dairy, refined carbohydrates, oils, and salt.  My primary motivation for healthy eating is preventing chronic diseases and maximizing energy, mood, and overall well-being for a long life.  As an athlete, I strongly advocate this diet because the body is bathing in the nutrients that are essential for recovery.  In addition, I never experience digestion issues; I can comfortably run after a meal if I desire.  

Perhaps the most significant point regarding a Nutritarian lifestyle is that I do not feel hungry and literally do not crave foods that are not nutritious.  My mouth does not even water when I look at a warm bowl of pasta at a restaurant or ice cream on a summer day.

In the past year, I have converted my parents, sister, and several other family members to a Nutritarian diet.  My mom and grandma both lost weight, and my sister was relieved of her migraines.  I intend to continue to preach the Nutritarian food pyramid, and I hope to pursue nutritional studies as a part of my college education.